855 Purchase Order Acknowledgement Transaction Set Definition for Anchor Distributors

Taken from Bisac X12 v3060

This Document is Intended for Vendors Only!

 Header Segments

ST Transaction Set Header
BAK Beginning Segment for Purchase Order Acknowledgement
N1 Name Segment

Detail Segments

PO1 Baseline Item Data
CTP Pricing Information
ACK Line Item Acknowledgement

Summary Segments

NTE Freeform Text
CTT Transaction Total
SE Transaction Set Trailer


ST Transaction Set Header

Element Name Value
ST Segment Identifier ST
ST01 Transaction Set ID 850
ST02 Transaction Set Control Number Assigned by Sender (unique)

BAK Beginning Segment for Purchase Order Acknowledgement

Element Name Value
BAK Segment Identifier BAK
BAK01 Transaction Set Purpose Code 00 = Original
BAK02 Acknowledgement Type Code

AC = Acknowledgement with detail and change

BAK03 PO Number Identifying number for PO assigned by Anchor
BAK04 Date Ordered YYMMDD
BAK09 Current Date YYMMDD

N1 Name Segment

Element Name Value
N1 Segment Identifier N1
N101 Name Identifier

BS = Bill and Ship To
BT = Bill to
ST = Ship to
VN = Vendor

N102 Name Full Text Name
N103 ID Code Qualifier 15 = SAN
N104 SAN SAN Number

PO1 Baseline Item Data

Element Name Value
PO1 Segment Identifier PO1
PO101 Assigned Identification Line Item Number
PO102 Quantity Ordered Quantity Ordered
PO103 Unit of Measure Code

UN = Units
ST = Sets (Cases)

PO104 Unit Price Price per Unit
PO105 Basis of Unit Price SR = Retail/List/Suggested Selling Price
PO106 Product ID Qualifier

VN = Speedy#

PO107 Product ID ISBN# or Speedy# or UPC (Optional)
PO108 Product ID Qualifier

VN = Speedy#

PO109 Product ID ISBN# or Speedy# or UPC (Optional)
PO110 Product ID Qualifier

VN = Speedy#

PO111 Product ID ISBN# or Speedy# or UPC (Optional)

CTP Pricing Information

Element Name Value
CTP Segment Identifier CTP
CTP02 Price Identifier Code SLP = Retail/List/Suggested Selling Price
NET = Net Price
CTP03 Unit Price Retail or Net Price (decimal included, i.e. 9.99)
CTP04 Quantity Shipped Quantity
CTP05 Composite Unit of Measure UN = Units
EA = Eaches (Cases)
CTP06 Price Multiplier Quantifier DIS = Discount Multiplier
CTP07 Multiplier

Discount Multiplier (discount of 20% would have .8 here)

ACK Line Item Acknowledgement

Element Name Value
ACK Segment Identifier ACK
ACK01 Line Item Status Code

AC = Item accepted and shipping (shipping)
AN = Available: Shipping � new edition/ISBN (shipping)
AO = Available: Shipping from other location (shipping)
AR = Item accepted: released for shipment (shipping)
AS = Available: Shipping � same ISBn (shipping)
AV = Inventory available for order (shipping)
AX = Shipping � free book (shipping)
BA = Backordered: Not yet available (not shipped)
BB = Backordered: Reprint under consideration (not shipped)
BC = Backordered: Current edition not available (not shipped)
BD = Backordered: Delay in publication (not shipped)
BH = Backordered: On hold (not shipped)
BI = Backordered: To be reissued (not shipped)
BK = Backordered: from previous order (not shipped)
BN = Backordered: inventory in progress (not shipped)
BO = Backordered: at customer�s request (not shipped)
BP = Backordered: partial shipment; balance backordered
BR = Backordered: to be reprinted (not shipped)
BW = Backordered: waiting for catalog (not shipped)
BX = Backordered: Not yet published (not shipped)
CA = Cancelled: not yet available (not shipped)
CB = Cancelled: not our publication (not shipped)
CD = Cancelled: delay in publication (not shipped)
CE = Cancelled: partially filled and shipped; rest cancelled
CF = Cancelled: current edition not available (not shipped)
CG = Cancelled: no geographic rights (not shipped)
CH = Cancelled: rights no longer ours (not shipped)
CI = Cancelled: to be reissued (not shipped)
CJ = Cancelled: out of print in cloth (not shipped)
CL = Cancelled: out of print in paper (not shipped)
CN = Cancelled: inventory in progress (not shipped)
CO = Cancelled: out of stock (not shipped)
CQ = Cancelled: did not meet minimum order (not shipped)
CR = Cancelled: to be reprinted (not shipped)
CT = Cancelled: publisher did not respond by cancel date
CU = Cancelled: kits not available (not shipped)
CV = Cancelled: complete volume must be purchased
CW = Cancelled: not available wholesale (not shipped)
CX = Cancelled: never published (not shipped)
CY = Cancelled: not available as a book (not shipped)
DR = Item Accepted: date rescheduled (shipping)
DS = Out of stock (not shipping)
IA = Item Accepted (shipping)
IB = Item Backordered (not shipping)
ID = Item Deleted (not shipping)
IE = Item Accepted: price pending (shipping)
IF = Item on hold: incomplete description (not shipping)
IH = Item on hold (not shipping)
IP = Item Accepted: price change (shipping)
IQ = Item Accepted: quantity changed (shipping)
IR = Item Rejected (not shipping)
IS = Item Accepted: substitution made (shipping)
IW = Item on Hold: waiver required (not shipping)
KC = Cancelled: reprint under consideration (not shipping)
KK = Cancelled: ISBN incorrect/unknown (not shipping)
KM = Cancelled: market restricted (not shipping)
KP = Cancelled: out of print (not shipping)
KS = Cancelled: book sold by subscription only (not shipping)
NF = Not yet published (not shipping)
OP = Out of Print (not shipping)
OR = Temporarily out of stock (not shipping)
PA = Partial shipment
SC = Shipment complete (shipping)
SP = Item Accepted: schedule date pending (shipping)

ACK02 Shipped Quantity
ACK03 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code UN = Units
ACK04 Date/Time Qualifier (Optional)

068 = Current Schedule to Ship
100 = No Shipping Schedule Established as of�

ACK05 Date (Optional) YYMMDD
ACK07 Product ID Qualifier

VN = Speedy#

ACK08 Product ID ISBN# or Vendor# or UPC (Optional)
ACK09 Product ID Qualifier

VN = Speedy#

ACK10 Product ID ISBN# or Vendor# or UPC (Optional)
ACK11 Product ID Qualifier

VN = Speedy#

ACK12 Product ID ISBN# or Vendor# or UPC (Optional)

CTT Transaction Totals

NTE Freeform Text

Element Name Value
NTE Segment Identifier NTE
NTE02 Freeform Text Order Correspondence
Element Name Value
CTT Segment Identifier CTT
CTT01 Number of line items Number of PO1 segments
CTT02 Number of Units Total quantity ordered (sum of PO102)

SE Transaction Set Trailer

Element Name Value
SE Segment Identifier SE
SE01 Number of Segments Number of records in transaction
SE02 Transaction Set Control Number Assigned by Sender (unique), (same as ST02)